The winter can be tough on our ears, nose and throat. Going from the cold outside air to the warm, dry air in a building can be a shock to the system – repeatedly. But once the perils of the winter are over, we jump feet first into allergy season. 

Pollen and plant allergens are one of the critical causes of nasal congestion for most people in the spring and summer. It might even feel like you have carried the colds and irritated sinus feeling over from the winter. Don’t worry, though; you can take action to help reduce how much of an impact those allergens have on you and prepare your sinuses for spring. 

Visit an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Doctor

To get the best advice and information for your specific case, the first thing you should do is book an appointment with an ENT. An ear, nose and throat doctor can discuss all of your issues in the past, through high pollen months and winter seasons too. You’ll be able to get the information you really need about precautionary methods, treatments and support through sinus problems. 

Eat Well

We know that our diet has a significant impact on how we feel in general – but did you know that a hypoallergenic diet, with plenty of nutrition, can help alleviate the issues that spring brings for your sinuses? Some research suggests that people who experience seasonal allergies are likely to have one or more food allergies and eczema. One of the most obvious causes is pet hair. 

If you aren’t sure if you have allergies, you should consider booking an appointment with an allergy specialist

Common allergies that can impact your sinuses’ comfort are nuts, some fruits, caffeine, eggs, shellfish and dairy. Cutting one or more of these food types out can see a dramatic improvement on your sinuses. Further to find out if you have any allergies, you should make sure that you have a diet that is rich in vitamin C. A great source of vitamin C is leafy green vegetables and berries. 

Love Your Airways

We often take our airways for granted and feel a little down when they aren’t working to maximum capacity. We can put a little bit of extra work into ensuring that we take care of our airways correctly. 

In the winter, we are often free from the hazards and the uncomfortable pollens and plant debris in the air. But as soon as spring comes around, it can feel like an attack on your senses. 

Offices and other environments pumping warm air into the space can often cause some irritability in the sinuses. The air is usually dry, which causes irritation to the nose, throat and lungs. Check when the last time any air filters or furnace filters were changed in the office or your work area. A dry climate will dry out the membranes in your nasal passages, and when that happens, it is more likely that your sinuses will get clogged. 

Clogged sinuses cause an intense amount of pressure and pain. At home, you have the luxury of using a mobile humidifier to keep the air moist, and this will limit your dry and stuffy nose and dry throat. It is essential to lay the groundwork for an enjoyable springtime with your sinuses during the winter. 

Resting & Recuperating

It is, unfortunately, the case that individuals that suffer from sinus issues will often have their daily lives disrupted. Further to this, stuffy noses can impact the quality of our sleep. Once your sleep is being impacted, you will feel more tired during the day; when you add the allergies or sinuses issues on top, it can be challenging to concentrate on work or other regular activities. 

Winter months are usually perfect for spending a little extra time resting, but we want to be more active when the spring arrives and the days are longer. 

Take advantage of the long winter evenings, and where possible, ensure that you are taking some well-deserved rest. Most often, people who take the time to rest find that they can more easily fend off the likelihood of secondary infection. Secondary infections can develop from allergy-related sinus congestion. 

As part of your resting and recuperating, try to increase the amount of water you are drinking. Getting your sinuses ready for spring means taking a healthy approach to your lifestyle. If you want to talk about your sinuses and learn how to prepare them for the allergy seasons, get in touch with ENT Physicians Inc. today at (419) 318-4987