Sleep apnea is a condition that causes your breathing to stop and start while you are sleeping. You may also find that you choke and gasp during the night, and you snore a lot. People with sleep apnea find it difficult to get a good night’s sleep and, in some cases, it can be very dangerous. 

If you have sleep apnea, you will often feel very tired during the day due to lack of sleep. You may also experience trouble concentrating and headaches, especially when you first wake up. 

If left untreated, sleep apnea can lead to more serious long-term issues like depression and high blood pressure, so it is important that you see an ENT doctor and get treatment

What causes sleep apnea?

There are two main types of sleep apnea; obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and central sleep apnea (CSA). When you see an ENT doctor, they will be able to determine which type of sleep apnea you have. 

Obstructive sleep apnea 

OSA is the most common form of sleep apnea, and it is caused by a partial or complete blockage of the airways. This means that your diaphragm and chest muscles have to work harder to open up the airways and let air into your lungs, so you struggle to breathe. In some cases, if your OSA is very mild, simple changes to your behavior like adjusting your sleeping position and cutting down on smoking and alcohol can relieve the symptoms. However, if the problem persists, the most common treatment for OSA is a continuous positive airway pressure machine. 

Central sleep apnea 

Central sleep apnea is not caused by a blockage in the airways, it is caused by a lack of respiratory drive from your brain. In other words, you fail to breathe because your brain is not sending the right signals. This is a more serious condition that is caused by issues in your brain, and it cannot be treated with CPAP equipment. 

How does CPAP equipment work? 

CPAP equipment is designed to help people with OSA by increasing air pressure in the throat so it does not collapse when they breathe in. By using CPAP equipment every night, you can relieve the symptoms of sleep apnea and get a better night’s sleep without the need for invasive surgical treatments

Different types of CPAP machine 

Depending on the nature of your sleep apnea, there are different types of CPAP machines with different masks. Some people may need to wear a full CPAP face mask that covers their nose and their mouth. However, if your sleep apnea is milder, you may only need to wear a mask that covers your nose. These are called nasal continuous positive air pressure (NCPAP) machines and they are the most common form of CPAP equipment that people use. You may also use a type of nasal CPAP machine that sits at the base of your nose with small nasal pillows to keep it in place. This is known as a nasal pillow’s CPAP mask. 

As well as different types of mask, there are different air pressure regulating methods available. Some CPAP machines offer fixed air pressure but there are also some that adjust the air pressure automatically throughout the night. These are known as APAP machines and they are often the more popular choice because air pressure differs when you breathe in and out, so they tend to offer increased comfort for patients. 

Potential difficulties when using CPAP equipment

Although CPAP equipment is the most effective treatment for OSA, there can be an adjustment period and some people experience difficulties when they first start using them. Potential difficulties include: 

  • Dry nose and sore throat
  • Congestion and runny nose 
  • Irritation of eyes and skin on the face 
  • Leaking around the mask 
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Mild discomfort in the mornings
  • Nightmares and excessive dreaming

It is common for patients to experience some or all of these symptoms when they first start using a CPAP machine, but as long as you follow the advice of your ENT doctor, they will subside. However, there are some simple things that you can try to help you adjust to your new CPAP machine. 

Speak to your ENT doctor and they will be able to help you ensure that the mask fits correctly, which should alleviate a lot of these potential problems. You can also use a humidifier or a nasal spray to reduce nasal irritation. 

If you are finding it hard to adjust to your new CPAP equipment, ask your ENT doctor about a machine that starts with very low air pressure and slowly increases the pressure as you sleep. This makes it a lot easier to adjust when you first start using a CPAP machine. 

If you think you may have sleep apnea, you need to see an ENT doctor right away. You can get in touch with ENT Physicians Inc. today at (419) 318-4987 and learn more about sleep apnea treatments like CPAP equipment.