Hearing aids make an immediate difference from the first time you try them out and turn them on. In fact, it can take a little time to get used to just how much of a difference they make, not to mention the new sensation of physically having something in your ear. As such, here are a few tips to help you acclimate to your hearing aids over time so that, before long, you can start enjoying their benefits to the fullest and understand how your audiologist can help.

Resist the urge to start adjusting the settings

If you have had your hearing aids fitted with the help of an audiologist, then they have likely taken the time to ensure the right listening profile to meet your needs. As such, you shouldn’t have to adjust the volume or settings of it too much. It may be tempting to try and turn the volume up is something is a little far away, but you might be trying to achieve more than what a healthy hearing range offers without noticing it. Furthermore, modern hearing aids adjust to different listening environments automatically, so you shouldn’t need to adjust it regularly at all.

Don’t start wearing them all the time immediately

When you first wear your hearing aids, the difference they make to your hearing can be so major that it can take some getting used to. You will be hearing all kinds of noises that you might not have before, such as clocks ticking and birds singing. Furthermore, other noises you could hear before may be much louder. To start with, you should wear your hearing aids for a few hours a day. Increase the amount of time you wear them day by day until you’re able to wear them all day.

Wear them in quiet areas first

Even quiet noises can make a big difference when you’re wearing hearing aids. Imagine what wearing them in a crowd could be like. The clarity of hearing can be overwhelming to begin with. As such, you should start by wearing them in quiet environments, such as in your own home. The more you get used to them, the more you can wear them out in other environments, such as more social or crowded spaces.

Learn how to care for your hearing aids

You’re going to get the best results from your hearing aids if you make sure you take care of them. Cleaning them regularly is essential, as is making sure you store them in their safe case when you’re sleeping at night, or going to the bathroom. Avoid exposing them to too much moisture, as it can affect their performance just as much as dust and earwax can. Your audiologist can give you plenty of advice on taking care of your hearing aids if you need it.

Practice reading and speaking

When living with hearing loss, it’s likely that you may have, at some point, been told to “stop shouting.” When we have hearing loss, we have to learn new habits for communication, including changing how we speak and paying more attention to nonverbal communication. Those lessons can take a little time to unlearn when you first start wearing hearing aids.

Practice reading aloud to yourself to control the volume and tone of your voice now that you can hear it more effectively. Practice talking with your friends and family in safe spaces, as well, so you can get used to communicating with your hearing aids in so that it’s less distracting when you do it outside.

Wait and see, then call your audiologist

Give it a couple of weeks following the tips above to see if you become used to your new hearing aids. If you have any issues with them following that, you should call your audiologist. If they helped you fit your hearing aids, they will likely have arranged an appointment to see how you’re getting on with them anyway. Your audiologist can answer all kinds of questions regarding your hearing aids, diagnose and fix any issues, including providing some common repairs, and can provide plenty of tips on how to care for and use your hearing aids, too.

Your audiologist is going to be your best friend for all things regarding your hearing aids, from repairs to replacements if you need them. As such, if you need any help, don’t hesitate to make an appointment with ENT Physicians Inc. at 419-776-5026. We’ll be glad to offer what information we can or to arrange an appointment with you as soon as we can.