Many people don’t realize that audiologists are just as important to our overall health as dentists, doctors and opticians. It’s important to keep your hearing in good condition because it not only allows us to correctly perceive the sounds around us, but it also helps us keep our body balanced. A lot of people don’t know what type of assistance an audiologist can actually provide, so in this article, we’re going to detail some of the reasons why you’d want to visit an audiologist.

1. Hearing loss treatment

Hearing loss is one of the most common reasons to visit an audiologist. They’ll carry out a series of tests and examinations to determine if you have hearing loss and also how severe it currently is. Hearing loss is difficult to detect on your own and the most common way of realizing that you actually have hearing loss is through other people or habits. For example, if you’ve noticed that you keep having to ask people to repeat themselves or if you’re raising the volume on your devices to a point where other people comment on it, then it could be a sign of hearing loss and your audiologist will be able to assist you with hearing aid recommendations or treatments.

2. Tinnitus relief

Tinnitus is a high-pitched ringing or buzzing noise that happens inside your ear. It’s a subjective noise, meaning that only you can hear it. It can get incredibly frustrating to listen to it, but audiologists can help you get relief in a number of different ways. For starters, audiologists will be able to determine the cause of your tinnitus, be it an ear infection, because of your hearing loss or because of a head injury. If your audiologist can’t determine the cause or none of the initial treatments work, then you have the option of therapy which can slowly phase out the high-pitched ringing from your ears so that your ears are less sensitive to it.

3. Balance issues

Balance issues occur when our hearing is disrupted. Because we use our hearing to help balance our bodies, we can start to experience problems like vertigo or dizziness if our hearing develops an issue. Audiologists can determine if our hearing problems are causing balance issues and they’ll be able to provide assistance to help remedy those conditions.

4. Hearing aid repair

Lastly, audiologists can also provide you with hearing aid repairs. If you have hearing loss and rely on hearing aids to help amplify or filter the sounds around you, then you’ll want to have a reliable audiologist ready to help you repair any issues or diagnose your hearing aids should you be experiencing some kind of issue with them. It’s a good idea not to fiddle with your hearing aids on your own because they’re fragile and the delicate components can easily be broken by mistake. Audiologists have the tools and knowledge to help fix your hearing aids, and can even offer advice on how to prevent them from suffering damage in the future.