The third most common health issue in the U.S. is hearing loss. Surprisingly, it’s also the number one reported work-related injury among those in manufacturing and construction, and it’s also the number one birth defect that is reported year on year. New babies have their hearing tested before they are even a week old to be able to determine whether their eardrum developed properly during pregnancy, which is why it’s an easy thing to confirm so young. Despite the research, there are so many people out there who still don’t book a regular appointment with their audiologist.

Listen for the signs

For some people, hearing loss is so gradual that by the time they notice there’s a problem, it’s too late to prevent or reverse the issue. Making an appointment with an audiologist needn’t be a worrisome experience, not when a little research can tell you that an audiologist is there to focus on your hearing health. Once you notice a decline in your ability to hear well, you need to make an appointment as soon as you can. There are many times in your life that you may have to see an audiologist, and here are just some of those:

General health and wellbeing check

Your usual physical is not likely to include a hearing test, but it’s something that you should be booking annually. Your hearing is as important as your sight and your ability to taste delicious food, which means that you shouldn’t overlook it if you have any concerns. An audiologist is a specialist in the field and they have the training, the equipment and the education to identify the issue and will work with you to treat the condition with which you are suffering.

Blockages and build-ups

We may get grossed out about it from time to time, but earwax is a useful substance created by the body to protect your inner ears. It’s self-cleaning, which is always good to know, and it can moisturize the ear canal. Most of the products that are on the market to clean earwax aren’t beneficial for your ears and trying to clean excessive earwax can do you more harm than good. If you do have a build up that is affecting your ability to hear, then making an appointment with your audiologist can help you to have it removed safely.

Experiencing hearing loss

Identifying the signs of hearing loss isn’t always easy, especially as it’s usually a gradual thing. Needing to turn up the television bit by bit, asking people to repeat themselves and an inability to handle crowded areas because you can’t hear what people are saying are all signs of hearing loss. Once you recognize that you are experiencing a loss of hearing, you need to get some advice quickly.

Having your hearing health isn’t something you should put off. Make an appointment with an audiologist as soon as you can.