Ear infections are one of the most common pediatric illnesses, affecting more than 60% of children by the time they reach their third birthday. While many ear infections will resolve on their own, it is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms that indicate a more serious infection and may require antibiotics or other treatment. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss everything you need to know about ear infections in children – from prevention to treatment.


Any parent’s main priority should be to keep their kids’ ears healthy. There are various actions that can be taken to lower a child’s chance of developing an ear infection. The best way to avoid ear infections is to practice good cleanliness, especially in young children who may put their fingers or other objects in their mouths or ears. Make sure your child washes their hands regularly before meals and after playing outside.

Teach them not to put anything into their ears that haven’t been washed first. Additionally, avoid sharing utensils, bottles and other items with other people, as it can increase the risk of getting an infection. Breastfeeding has also been linked to lower rates of ear infections in babies due to the immune-boosting properties of breast milk. In general, proper nutrition helps keep the body’s natural defenses strong and better able to fight off illness and infection.

In addition, if your child has allergies, have them regularly treated with an antihistamine or nasal spray prescribed by an ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor. This can help reduce swelling and mucus buildup, which can lead to clogged ears and further infection.

Immunizations are another important way to prevent ear infections in children; most pediatricians recommend immunizing against certain upper respiratory illnesses like measles, mumps and chickenpox which can all cause complications leading to ear infections. Talk with your doctor about what vaccinations they recommend for your child’s age group.

Finally, keeping your child away from cigarette smoke or other airborne pollutants is also very important, as these substances can irritate the lining of the eardrum, making it more susceptible to infection.

Diagnosis and Treatment

If you suspect your child may have an ear infection, it is important to take them to an ENT for a diagnosis. An ENT will use an otoscope, which is a tool that enables them to see inside the ear and examine the eardrum. They may also order a hearing test or imaging test, such as an magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) scan in some cases.

Once your child has been diagnosed with an ear infection, the ENT will likely prescribe antibiotics to clear up the infection. Most children improve within 48 hours after starting antibiotics; however, it is important that they finish all of the medication prescribed even if they are feeling better before then.

Pain relief is also important for managing ear infection symptoms such as pain and fever. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help reduce discomfort and make your child more comfortable while they recover from the infection. However, make sure to follow the directions on the label when giving these medications to children, as dosage amounts are often different for young kids.

Working with an Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist

You might want to think about visiting an ENT expert if your kid constantly has ear infections. A physician with specialization in treating diseases of the ears, nose, throat, head and neck. They can assist in identifying the root of recurrent infections and choosing the most appropriate course of therapy for your child. For example, ENTs may recommend surgery, such as placing tubes in the eardrum or other treatments, such as speech therapy, if hearing loss is present due to the infection.

In some cases, ENTs may also suggest lifestyle changes that can help reduce the risk of future ear infections, such as eliminating certain foods from your child’s diet or avoiding secondhand smoke. No matter what treatment your child requires, it is important to work closely with their doctor and keep an open dialogue to ensure your child receives the best possible care. With proper diagnosis and treatment, most ear infections can be successfully treated and prevented from recurring in the future.

Overall, ear infections in children can be frightening, but there are steps that parents can take to reduce their risk, as well as ways to diagnose and treat them should they occur. It is important to follow your doctor’s advice regarding the prevention and treatment of childhood ear infections to ensure that your child stays healthy. If you’d like to schedule an appointment for your child with an ENT, get in touch by calling ENT Physicians Inc. at (419) 318-4987 and we’ll be more than happy to help your child get back to normal life!

Tags: pediatric ear infections, pediatric ent